(801) 355-1888

News & Innocence Issues

Wrongful Conviction Day 2024 – The Collective Pursuit of Truth

Each year on October 2nd, we observe Wrongful Conviction Day, a time to raise awareness about the causes and profound impacts of wrongful convictions. This year’s theme, Pursuit of the Truth, underscores the critical role that truth plays in securing justice, restoring dignity, and rebuilding lives. It serves as a powerful reminder that the responsibility to uphold truth is shared by all of us—legal professionals, journalists, researchers, community advocates, and everyday citizens.
At the Rocky Mountain Innocence Center (RMIC), the pursuit of truth is central to our mission. Whether we are re-investigating cases, advocating for reform, or supporting clients in their post-release journey as they transition back into society, our goal is to ensure that truth prevails over error and justice triumphs over injustice. But we also know that this work is not ours alone; it requires the commitment and participation of a broader community dedicated to seeing justice served and truth come to light.

Why the Pursuit of Truth is Essential

Truth is more than a principle; it is the foundation upon which justice is built. When truth is disregarded, undiscovered, or suppressed, innocent people suffer, families are torn apart, and public trust in the justice system erodes. Tragically, the cost of wrongful convictions extends beyond lost years and shattered lives; it perpetuates systemic flaws that must be addressed if we are to prevent future injustices.
The statistics are staggering: since 1989, over 3,585 people have been exonerated in the United States, collectively spending more than 32,750 years in prison for crimes they did not commit. Each exoneration is not only a victory but also a stark reminder of the systemic issues that lead to wrongful convictions in the first place. Factors such as faulty forensic evidence, coerced confessions, misconduct, and unreliable eyewitness testimony remain all too common. This Wrongful Conviction Day, we call on everyone to engage with the hard truths of our justice system and to take meaningful action to address these underlying issues.

Shifting Focus: Community Education and Engagement

This year, RMIC has intentionally shifted our Wrongful Conviction Day focus to expanding community education and engagement. In lieu of traditional events, we are stepping into classrooms, legal forums, and public spaces to teach our youth, the next generation of lawyers, and seasoned advocates about the importance of wrongful conviction awareness and the central role of truth in the justice system.
  • Engaging the Next Generation: In mid-October, RMIC will partner with local high schools for a Legal Education & Mock Trial Program. This initiative will offer students a hands-on experience, allowing them to explore the complexities of legal ethics, the role of evidence, and the weight of truth in determining justice.
  • Training the Current Practitioners: On October 30th, RMIC, in partnership with the Federal Defender’s Office in Las Vegas, will host a Continuing Legal Education (CLE) session focusing on the intricacies of DNA evidence in post-conviction work. DNA evidence has been a cornerstone in many exonerations, and our goal is to equip more practitioners with the skills needed to apply this powerful tool effectively.
  • Elevating Public Discourse: Just this week, RMIC had the privilege of participating in the UNLV Boyd School of Law Panel on Wrongful Convictions. During this event, legal scholars, practitioners, and community advocates engaged in meaningful discussions about systemic causes of wrongful convictions and the steps necessary to prevent them.

Get Involved: The Role You Can Play

This Wrongful Conviction Day, we invite you to join us in the collective pursuit of truth. Here are a few ways you can get involved:
  • Raise Awareness: Use your voice to educate others about the root causes and devastating impacts of wrongful convictions. Participate in online conversations by sharing RMIC’s posts and using the hashtag #WrongfulConvictionDay.
  • Support the Rocky Mountain Innocence Center: The Rocky Mountain Innocence Center is dedicated to freeing the innocent and advocating for systemic change across Utah, Nevada, and Wyoming. Your support enables us to continue our critical work of investigating wrongful conviction cases, providing legal representation, and advocating for reform. Consider making a donation today to help us secure justice for those who have been wrongfully imprisoned. Visit rminnocence.org to learn more and contribute.
  • Advocate for Policy Reform: Push for legislative changes that address key issues, such as access to post-conviction DNA testing, better compensation laws for exonerees, and mandatory recording of interrogations to prevent false confessions.
  • Support the Freed and Exonerated: Contrary to popular belief, many exonerees receive no compensation for the years lost behind bars. Your support—whether through direct contributions to exoneree funds or participating in wish lists—can make a significant difference in helping these individuals rebuild their lives.
The pursuit of truth is a collective responsibility. By standing together and contributing in whatever capacity we can, we move closer to a world where wrongful convictions are a rarity, not a reality.
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Navigating the Path to Justice – How the Rocky Mountain Innocence Center Champions the Wrongfully Convicted

In the shadow of every wrongful conviction lies a story of injustice, one that the Rocky Mountain Innocence Center (RMIC) is committed to uncovering and correcting. Each month, RMIC receives between 15 and 25 new requests for assistance from individuals who maintain their innocence, seeking the Center’s expertise to right the grievous wrongs they have suffered. The journey from receiving a plea for help to exoneration of the wrongfully convicted is a long and complex one, marked by meticulous investigation, rigorous legal advocacy, and an unwavering commitment to justice.

The Vetting Process: A Careful Scrutiny of Every Claim

At the heart of RMIC’s mission is the careful vetting of every post-conviction claim of innocence. The staff at RMIC approaches each case with a deep sense of responsibility, understanding that the lives of individuals hang in the balance. Every request for assistance undergoes an exhaustive screening process, designed to determine whether there is a credible claim of innocence that warrants further investigation.

This process is neither quick nor simple. It requires a deep dive into trial records, legal documents, and any available evidence, as well as consultations with experts and, often, the gathering of new information that may not have been available at the time of the trial. Only cases that meet RMIC’s stringent criteria are accepted, ensuring that the Center’s resources are devoted to those who need them most.


Investigating the Case: A Search for Truth

Once a case is accepted, the real work begins. RMIC’s team of legal professionals embarks on a painstaking investigation that can span years or even decades to unearth new evidence that was not available during the original trial, which could potentially prove the factual innocence of the convicted individual.

This investigation is not limited to DNA evidence—although that is certainly a powerful tool in some cases—but extends to all possible avenues of proving innocence. Witnesses are re-interviewed, forensic evidence is re-examined with the benefit of modern technology, and new leads are doggedly pursued.

This exhaustive process is driven by one goal: to unearth new evidence that was not available during the original trial, evidence that could prove the factual innocence of the convicted individual. The investigation is methodical and thorough, reflecting RMIC’s commitment to ensuring that no stone is left unturned in the pursuit of justice.


Litigation and Exoneration: The Final Hurdle

If new evidence of innocence is uncovered, the case moves into the litigation phase. This stage is as challenging as it is crucial, requiring RMIC and its legal partners to meet the high burden of proving factual innocence in court. Success at this stage not only overturns a wrongful conviction but also leads to a formal declaration of innocence. In Utah and Nevada, such a declaration entitles the exoneree to compensation for the years lost behind bars and, more importantly, restores their freedom and reunites them with their loved ones.

Tragically, Wyoming does not yet offer compensation to those wrongfully convicted – an issue RMIC is actively working to address.


Advocacy and Education: Preventing Future Injustices

Beyond its work on individual cases, RMIC is dedicated to educating and advocating for systemic reforms. Through outreach efforts targeted at law enforcement, legal professionals, policymakers, and the public, RMIC works to shed light on the causes and consequences of wrongful convictions. The Center’s educational initiatives aim to prevent future injustices by promoting best practices and advocating for legal reforms that make the justice system more just and equitable.

In addition, RMIC collaborates with legislators and policy advocates in Utah, Nevada, and Wyoming to pass laws aimed at addressing the root causes of wrongful convictions. This policy work is critical in ensuring that the errors of the past are not repeated and that the justice system continues to evolve toward greater fairness and accuracy.


A Unique Mission, A Profound Impact

What sets RMIC apart is its willingness to take on a broad range of cases, not limiting its work to those that involve DNA evidence. This broad scope allows RMIC to assist a wider array of wrongfully convicted individuals, providing a lifeline to those who might otherwise have nowhere to turn.

Through its rigorous vetting process, exhaustive investigations, and powerful advocacy, the Rocky Mountain Innocence Center is a beacon of hope for the wrongfully convicted. The road to exoneration is long and arduous, but for those who are innocent, the work of RMIC is nothing short of life-changing.

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Your Support Changed Lives!

You’re invited to…

RMIC’s Wrongful Conviction Day

Homecoming Celebration

Wrongful Conviction Day invite 2023This year, we celebrate Wrongful Conviction Day in honor and in the presence of RMIC clients who have returned to their homes and families after serving decades in prison.  

Register Now! 

This is not just another fundraiser event but a moment in time where we recognize that we’ve made progress, but there’s still much work to be done. RMIC could not do the work we do without supporters like you!  

Not everyone’s path to freedom looks the same, so come and learn more about their struggles, successes, and the help they’ve had along the way. You will also be treated to an exclusive live performance by professional saxophonist Cal Bennett and appearances from other special guests. You won’t want to miss it!  

If you are unable to attend, please consider donating here

Sponsorships are still available, so please contact Kristy Columbia at kcolumbia@rminnocence.org for more information!


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Save The Date

RMIC Wrongful Conviction Day Homecoming Celebration

RMIC Wrongful Conviction Day Homecoming Celebration oct 5.jpg

Registration is coming soon!


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Hope for the Innocent Breakfast

Rocky Mountain Innocence Center is a 501(c)(3) that relies solely on the financial support of our community members and businesses to allow us to continue providing 100% pro bono legal services for our clients in Utah, Nevada, and Wyoming that have been wrongfully convicted and represent mostly indigent clients who are also people of color. Our annual Hope for the Innocent Breakfast is our largest fundraising event each year, and this year will be no exception.

The Hope for the Innocent Breakfast is back in person this year for the first time since 2019, and in RMIC’s 23rd year, we are thrilled to be joined by our Keynote Speaker and exoneree, Ricky Kidd, who served 23 years for a murder he did not commit. You can learn more about Ricky here and the amazing work he has done for the Innocence Network and for the freed and exonerated: https://linktr.ee/IAR

We are proud to be hosted this year by the Hilton Salt Lake City Center and to have the support of our sponsors, including The Florence J. Gillmor Foundation, who will generously match up to $100,000 in support of RMIC’s work at this event:

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Here’s Your RMIC 2022 Recap!

Dear Friends of RMIC:

Since 2000, the Rocky Mountain Innocence Center has been working hard in pursuit of our mission to prevent and correct wrongful convictions in the states of Utah, Nevada, and Wyoming. This mission has guided our work through this last year, and we have remained steadfast through 2022 with that in mind.

I am happy to share with you some of the changes and accomplishments from this year!

Organization Updates:

RMIC Board Event picI was selected by RMIC’s Executive Committee as the new Executive Director in June, and shortly thereafter, we moved our offices from the University of Utah to downtown Salt Lake City. We have made many new friends and met amazing neighbors down here!

We also added to our Board, including our new Board President, Kurt London, of Swapp & Associates, who previously served as a clinic student and Legal Fellow at RMIC; Allison Blais of Adobe Inc.; private practitioners Jonny Jemming and James Lee, and ClydeSnow Associate Attorney Katey Pepin.

Case Successes:

Most COVID restrictions have been lifted, allowing our Managing Attorney, Jennifer Springer, and Legal Fellow, Amanda Darcy, to return to client visits, witness interviews, and travel for our cases.

This year, RMIC received two favorable Nevada Supreme Court decisions, including a remand for DNA testing and a remand in another case for an evidentiary hearing based on the court’s interpretation of the recently-enacted Factual Innocence statute that we helped pass with the assistance of our exoneree DeMarlo Berry.  We look forward to substantial, continued litigation in each of these cases.

Client Successes:

RMIC Michael ThompsonOur clients have also experienced great successes this year, including Michael Thompson,  RMIC’s 8th exoneration as of August 30, 2022, when Utah Judge Su Chon found him factually innocent and ordered compensation of nearly $300,000 for the nearly seven years he spent wrongfully incarcerated.

Mr. Thompson was convicted of two felony offenses in Utah, which he was unable to commit because he was not physically present in the state at the time the offenses occurred.

This year we also have three clients that have been or are about to be paroled, all of which were incarcerated for more than twenty years, two of which RMIC, specifically our Managing Attorney Jennifer Springer, worked tirelessly and successfully to advocate for their release.

Legislative Successes:

In the prevention component of our mission, we were a part of the successful passing of an evidence-preservation bill that took effect this Summer that will require all physical evidence be preserved for the duration of an individual’s incarceration so that possible exculpatory evidence that could be obtained through DNA will be available for testing.

Historically, there was no obligation by state agencies or actors in criminal cases – post-conviction – to keep that evidence. In fact, it was usually destroyed, thereby preventing wrongfully convicted individuals from obtaining DNA testing to establish their innocence.  This is a huge success!

Dean and Sammy pic

Wrongful Conviction Day Fundraiser

RMIC celebrated Wrongful Conviction Day on September 29th in a hugely successful event at The Leonardo.  We were joined by many friends and supporters, old and new, and we welcomed exoneree Dean Gillispie to speak to our guests, along with Emmy-award winning journalist Sammy Linebaugh.

I hope to see you all again at our celebration next year!  Every time you attend one of our events, donate to RMIC, or share one of our stories with friends or on social media, you push our fight forward and bring us that much closer to getting our clients home.

Donate to RMIC this Holiday Season

Beginning this Giving Tuesday, November 29, 2022, and through the rest of the year, consider making a tax-deductible donation to RMIC.  Your donation helps us pay for things, such as expert fees, DNA testing, prison visits, and the many other costs of investigating and litigating on behalf of wrongfully convicted individuals in Utah, Nevada, and Wyoming, and it also allows us to continue to address the systemic problems in the criminal legal system.

giving tuesdayWe currently have 50 cases that are in active litigation or investigation, and we receive 15-25 requests for assistance each month.  With your donation, we can help free those innocent clients waiting to prove their innocence.  With your help, we can continue the fight and bring our clients home to their family and loved ones.  You can help make a difference in the lives of the innocent. Simply click the “Donate” button below or send a check to: Rocky Mountain Innocence Center, 358 South 700 East, B235, Salt Lake City, Utah, 84102.

Donate Now

Have a wonderful holiday season with your family and friends and stay tuned for more great things to come from your friends here at the Rocky Mountain Innocence Center.




Kristy Columbia

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Rocky Mountain Innocence Center, Professor Jensie L. Anderson, and Parr Brown Gee & Loveless Attorneys Obtain Exoneration and Compensation


Contact: Kristy Columbia, Executive Director, Rocky Mountain Innocence
Center Phone: (801) 355-1888
Email: kcolumbia@rminnocence.org

Rocky Mountain Innocence Center, Professor Jensie L. Anderson, and Parr Brown Gee & Loveless Attorneys Obtain Exoneration and Compensation

SEPTEMBER 06, 2022, SALT LAKE CITY – On May 16, 2008, Michael W. Thompson was sentenced to two concurrent terms of not less than five years to life in prison after being convicted by a Salt Lake County Jury of two counts of Forcible Sodomy. His convictions were reversed in January 2014, and the State did not pursue a new trial against him and dismissed his charges in April 2014, after Mr. Thompson served nearly seven years in prison.

The Rocky Mountain Innocence Center (RMIC), along with Professor Jensie L. Anderson, who also co-founded RMIC, began investigating Mr. Thompson’s claim of innocence in 2015. Parr Brown Gee & Loveless joined RMIC and Professor Anderson in litigating the case, and a Petition for Determination of Factual Innocence was filed in March 2017. The petition pointed to newly discovered evidence that, when viewed with all the other evidence, would ultimately prove Mr. Thompson’s innocence, including findings that the testimony of a State’s expert witness was based on faulty and inaccurate software reports and calculations that would have made Mr. Thompson’s presence in the state to commit the alleged acts impossible.

On August 30, 2022, the Honorable Judge Su J. Chon signed a memorandum decision granting Mr. Thompson’s Petition for Factual Innocence and awarding him nearly $300,000 for the seven years he was incarcerated, in accordance with Utah statutory law. Judge Chon also denied the State’s motion alleging that Mr. Thompson, along with his wife, destroyed evidence in the case.

The Rocky Mountain Innocence Center works to correct and prevent the wrongful conviction of innocent people in Utah, Nevada, and Wyoming. RMIC advocates for systemic reform to improve the justice system and to create meaningful opportunities for the wrongfully convicted to prove their innocence and to receive compensation for unjust incarceration. For more information go to www.rminnocence.org, call (801)355-1888, or email RMIC Executive Director, Kristy Columbia, at kcolumbia@rminnocence.org.

Professor Jensie L. Anderson teaches legal methods, innocence investigation and post-conviction process, criminal process, lawyering skills, and introduction to law at the S.J. Quinney College of Law, University of Utah, which she joined in 1999. She also served as President of the Rocky Mountain Innocence Center from 2001 until 2011 and as its co-founder and Pro Bono Legal Director from 1999 until 2022. She was awarded Woman Lawyer of the Year in 2014.

The award-winning Salt Lake City office of Parr Brown Gee & Loveless employs numerous talented litigators and business attorneys. The firm provides broad and comprehensive legal services to corporate and individual clients in areas such as commercial litigation, bankruptcy, employment law, and real estate law, and they have been recognized statewide and nationally for their services. For more information, visit www.parrbrown.com.

Rocky Mountain Innocence Center, Professor Jensie L. Anderson, and Parr Brown Gee & Loveless Attorneys Obtain Exoneration and Compensation“This is an amazing feeling. After 20 years, our family is finally free from this nightmare. They say the wheels of justice are slow, and that is the truth, but thank the Lord above. We had some amazing people in our corner to help us fight this injustice to the end. We can’t say ‘Thank You’ enough to all of our family and friends that fought alongside of us. Thank you to: the Rocky Mountain Innocence Center – they are truly there to help right the wrongs of those that have been wrongfully convicted; the amazing dedication from everyone at Parr Brown Gee & Loveless attorneys for all the hours of selfless dedication to our family to make sure Michael’s name was cleared is beyond amazing; Jensie Anderson, you have been through it all with us. You are a gift sent from the heavens to us!

All we can say is … anyone that has been wrongfully convicted of a crime: Never give up. Yes, it may take a lot longer than it should, but it is the most amazing feeling when it is done. Never give up on yourself or each other.” – From The Thompson Family – Mike, Darci, and Star

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The Beehive State Must Not Risk the Execution of the Innocent By Allowing the Death Penalty

There are situations where convictions are overturned, and nobody should ever be wrongfully imprisoned. Recently, an article was featured in Desert News. Written by Jensie Anderson, the legal director of the Rocky Mountain Innocence Project (RMIC), the article shines a light on the dangers of wrongful convictions. According to the article, “2,872 imprisoned men and women have been proven innocent nationwide. One hundred eighty-six of the people exonerated had been sentenced to death.”

Many people believe that this is a problem of the past, thinking that DNA is the answer to all crimes; however, it is only available in fewer than 10 percent of all cases. Therefore, DNA alone cannot determine someone’s guilt or innocence, particularly when it is not always available. 

While nobody on death row in Utah has been proven innocent after being executed, this might happen in the future. For this reason, it might be time to get rid of the death penalty before this tragedy takes place.

Check out the full article by Jensie Anderson on Desert News, and consider supporting the cause by donating to the Rocky Mountain Innocence Project.

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[Video] Wrongful Conviction Day is TODAY

October 2, 2021 is the Eighth Annual International Wrongful Conviction Day, a day to raise awareness about the causes and remedies of wrongful conviction and to recognize the tremendous personal, social, and emotional costs of wrongful conviction for directly impacted people and their families. It began in 2013 as an initiative of the Innocence Network, a coalition of 68 organizations around the world dedicated to providing pro-bono legal and investigative services to individuals seeking to prove innocence of crimes for which they have been convicted; working to redress the causes of wrongful convictions; and supporting the exonerated after they are freed.

Wrongful Conviction Day 2021

This Wrongful Conviction Day, we consider the many fights that are ongoing despite the many victories that we celebrate. More than 2,800 people have been exonerated in the US since 1989, but the fight continues for the thousands who remain wrongfully incarcerated. It takes years and, in many cases, decades to achieve an exoneration. Here at the Rocky Mountain Innocence Center, we have exonerated 7 people and we are currently working with 60 clients in Utah, Nevada, and Wyoming. These wins are especially meaningful knowing how difficult the fight for freedom is, but we must remember that our fight continues on behalf of our clients who are still inside.

The long term impact of a wrongful conviction

The fight also continues for freed and exonerated people who face new battles upon their release. For many, getting out of prison is only the beginning. Among other things, freed clients face challenges securing housing and employment, building economic security, and reestablishing relationships. They also face the stigma of incarceration and mental and physical health impacts sustained from living in carceral settings. Reentering society can be a long-term process, and there is no perfect template. On Wrongful Conviction Day, it is vital that we acknowledge this fight too.

Wrongful Conviction Legislation and Awareness

Lastly, the fight continues for all of us who work to prevent the multitude of injustices that lead to wrongful convictions in the first place. We have seen considerable progress in the last year. Although RMIC’s primary mission is to bring the innocent home from prison, we are also deeply involved in educating policymakers on criminal justice reform. Read more about our accomplishments here. Yet, there is so much more work to do.

wrongful conviction fundraising donation button

We are grateful for your support and honored to fight alongside you.


Blair Hodson, Executive Director
Rocky Mountain Innocence Center

WCD2021: The Fight Continues

In honor of Wrongful Conviction Day, all donations to RMIC will be matched up to $100,000, thanks to the generosity of the Florence J Gillmor Foundation.

wrongful conviction fundraising donation button

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Join Us to Celebrate Innocence Work!

Please join us for a celebration of the 21st Anniversary of Rocky Mountain Innocence Center!

Attendance is complimentary. Your donations will be greatly appreciated. Seating is limited.

Please RSVP at contact@rminnocence.org with your name(s), email address(es) and number of guests.


RMIC 2021 Gala Invitation


RMIC 2021 gala


Please join us to celebrate innocence work on September 30th, 6th Floor Outdoor Terrace, S.J. Quinney College of Law, University of Utah

Thursday, September 30, 2021
Heavy Hors D’oeuvres and Cocktails, 5:30 p.m.
Program, 7 p.m.

Virtual Fundraiser

Donate to our 2021 campaign: RMIC 2021 Virtual Fundraiser – hope for the Innocent

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